
For individuals, OKIC supports you!

  • Be on the cutting edge of an information, complex systems and reality revolution
  • Fathom the representational processes of existence, including homeostatic self-remembering, masking and binding, and of course time, memory, rationale and more
  • Stop your intentions getting unwittingly distorted or highjacked
  • Learn why timeless phenomena matter and how to recognize and relate through them
  • Relate differently, such as to ambiguity, so as to achieve not only personal but subject-area shifts in clarity and insight
  • Effortlessly enter conflicts with sovereignty and discipline so as to affect situations positively
  • Find routes through seeming impasses in any field

And it’s so much more, as through it we connect to what is collectively generative!

Why learn about representational reality?

On a practical, day-to-day level, shifting your own relational (including informational) prowess to OKIC allows you to fully embrace reality as collectively representational. In so doing, you relate to humanity — and its place on our shared planet — in a way that effectively addresses (dys)functions of the various narrative-based, conceptual reality models humans currently collectively engage and/or entertain.

One way to summarize the shift is this. When faced with ambiguity, to maintain relations, we do one of two things:

  • seek redundancies (lump things, such as apply or create a categorical label or memory)
  • conceal lack of clarity (in understanding or intent) by lying, “putting on airs”, sounding alarms and more.

The ongoing struggle to both relate and resolve ambiguity gets amplified in its effect by the modern globalization and information boon. This has led to deep-seated and seemingly intractable psycho-social and social-cultural challenges. Unfortunately, there’s a tenacious core.

Due to the human ability to problem-solve in part by imagining other possibilities, we in theory should be able, though more often than not are unable, to perceive how we are actually collectively collaborating to hone preferred or limited imagination in ourselves and others. Then in an effort to compensate, and because of the representational nature of reality, we chokehold each other’s responsive imagination through “otherwise” (problem) orientation. In grappling with ambiguity - including unknown context and things outside of our direct control - to constrain what can be imagined by others, we:

  • turn unresolved ambiguity into tension (internal and external)
  • adopt interpretations, beliefs and routines that inhibit the inherent generativity of representational reality through emotions, thoughts and habits that react to the representational limits others present to us
  • in efforts to diminish crushing levels of ambiguity in modern times, interact with others in ways that unwittingly limit the possibility for generative choices

It can be incredibly difficult for individuals to directly perceive how this is happening and how the effects systematically and predictably amplify from psycho-social to socio-cultural phenomena. Individuals perceive unresolved ambiguity as “irrational”. Yet it is not. This creates intensely puzzling psycho-social phenomena since the underlying logic at play is not egoic or naive.

It is timeless, participatory logic. The figures and essays represented here as Outer Kaleidoscope, Inner Compass communicate it. Be sure though, it will strike you as a puzzle.

First, consider the bittersweet recognition that this framing means reality is both wholly representationally consistent and, when we are unwitting, a generator of unnecessary suffering and burden. It unfortunately makes sense though, if we are unwitting in our participation with ambiguity-perplexed logic binds that are self-reinforcing, and existing in an information environment that amplifies participation of significant numbers of people who are outside of our sphere of influence.

Broadly, this phenomena too parallels modern human’s experience of being “time-bound”, where time itself seems to serve as our sole shared participatory framework. Yet having a single-pointed focus on time-constrainedness as the basis for shared reality has reached the breaking point.

Applying the science of representational reality, we stand to reconnect with the human capacity for collective generativity. OKIC is your guide to seeing what is realistically, optimally possible when it comes to co-creating by relating via representational reality. All this by understanding what, beyond time, is re(present)able and realistically synchronizing us with all of creation.

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🧩What OKIC has to offer should both puzzle and intrigue you